The Severus Snape Newsletter


September 16th, 2009

cardigrl @ 09:48 pm: Issue # 749: Wednesday, September 15, 2009
Issue # 749: Wednesday, September 15, 2009

Hello and welcome to today's issue of  [info]snapenews. Thank you all for your continuing support and useful links! Feel free to comment (either below or at and let us know how we're doing!


Sign-ups for the Potions and Snitches Prompt Fest 2009 on  Potionssnitches are open here

Sign-ups for the  [info]snape_potter Daft Day Snarry Swap end this Friday

[info]snuna_exchange has a mod post updating the community profile and exchange rules for 2010 dates

[info]snarry_holidays  is asking for Beta sign-ups and has posted a Call for Pinch-hitters


[info]alisanne  has posted Snarry Games Recs

[info]hgss_digest  has been updated here and here


[info]snupin100  has posted Challenge 226: Harry Potter

DISCLAIMERS: The warnings listed here are those given by the artist/author/poet. Please pay attention to all ratings and warnings when following links.

We aim to bring you the latest Snape-centric items in the fandom but some might slip through the net! You can help to ensure this doesn't happen by sending us links via email to There are submission guidelines in the  [info]snapenews  user profile, but for 'This week in' sections we just require the basic title/creator/rating/warnings/link info.

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