The Severus Snape Newsletter


August 17th, 2009

bewarethesmirk @ 12:05 am: Issue #731: Saturday/Sunday, August 15/16, 2009
Hello and welcome to today's issue of [info]snapenews. Thank you all for your continuing support and useful links! Feel free to comment (either below or at and let us know how we're doing!

[info]osmalic posted Snape/Lupin fic and art recs, and so did [info]uriema, here

[info]snarry_holidays, the exclusive Snape/Harry holiday fest, is opening sign-ups for its third round Thursday, Aug 20
[info]smutty_claus posted their Rules and Guidelines and FAQs
[info]snape_potter has updated their Snape/Harry resources list

[info]sshp_prophet has updated for August 8-15
[info]hgss_digest updates: Friday and Saturday

[info]territesting wrote "All Death Eaters are Slytherin: Logic, Observer Effects and Snape’s Spying"
[info]ptyx wrote about Snape (What else would you choose for ‘S’ in a meme? *g*)

[info]hp_unfaithful is holding sign-ups for their The All (Re)Mixed Up Challenge
[info]snape100 Challege #295: Snape and Mythology
[info]grangersnape100 Week 33 Challege: Stain

[info]wizard_love is hosting a poll regarding the possibility of a round in 2010
[info]iulia_linnea is hosting a poll about Round Five of the Harry Potter Random Facts Fest

The warnings listed here are those given by the artist/author/poet. Please pay attention to all ratings and warnings when following links.

We aim to bring you the latest Snape-centric items in the fandom but some might slip through the net! You can help to ensure this doesn't happen by sending us links via e-mail to There are submission guidelines in the [info]snapenews user profile, but for the 'Today in' sections we just require the basic title/creator/rating/warnings/link info.

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