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Jan. 11th, 2011 @ 11:47 pm Gift fic for venturous, Under Laboratory Conditions, adult

Recipient: venturous

Author: chazpure

Title: Under Laboratory Conditions

Characters: Severus/Fred/George, Fred/George, Severus/Charlie

Rating: Adult

Content Info: Everyone's of age in this fic. *altered consciousness, noncon/dubcon, threesome/moresome, toys, restraints, cbt, mild feminization, incest, orgasm denial, voyeurism, egregious Latin abuse*

Summary: The twins follow a suspicious figure through Knockturn Alley and wind up with a new experimental subject for their latest line of...novelties.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~11,900

Author Notes: This [info]snapelyholidays fic is a gift for the amazing venturous. The Snapeliest of Holidays to you! I hope you enjoy this somewhat twisted tale. *g* My apologies to the mods for the dreadful tardiness of this entry and much appreciation for the forbearance shown.

( Under Laboratory Conditions )

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Dec. 30th, 2008 @ 09:03 pm 30th Snapely Holidays Entry - 'Above The Clouds' (Snape/Charlie)

kitten in shoe
Fic for: [info]leela_cat
Title: Above the Clouds

Pairing Snape/Charlie
Rating hard R
Warnings Snape is alive, but that's the only deviation from canon intended.
Summary Snape gets a chance at a new life, but perhaps not the one he expected.
Disclaimer Just borrowing for fun.
Word count 4,023
Author Notes Thank you to my beta C for all her help.

Fic for leela_cat )
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