Nov. 30th, 2011 @ 12:54 am This year's exchange - posting schedule & charity info

Sadly, but inevitably, we had some drop-outs this year, so our crop o' fic is a bit smaller, but we have some especially choice, juicy entries to make up for it. :)

What we plan to do is post Monday through Friday and allow our lovely and ever-busy readers some time over the weekend to catch up on their reading. The only exception will be the weekend of the 24th and 25th.

Note that gifts for the community will continue to be accepted for posting until the 20th. To clarify - gifts for the community are just what that sounds like, any Snape-related fic or art can be emailed to the moddies who will post it just like a regular entry, anonymously, so you can garner feedback and your identity will be revealed in the masterlist at the end of the exchange. It's a good way to take part in the exchange if you wanted but were unable to. This is also a great way to intro your work if you tend to write only one or two Snape pairings and your piece is something very different from your usual.

There are no hard or fast rules for gifts to the community, no minimum word count and anything goes, from sweet gen to all out smut. So keep it in mind if you have a Snape nugget you'd like to share with other Snape lovers!

That said - your moddies had a severe attack of RL and we did not have time to set up the charity pledges this year as intended. We apologize for that, but we are still supporting the following charities.

Last year's big charity winner was Soles For Souls. :) We continue to support their efforts because every single dollar donated means one pair of shoes to someone in need. S4S works not just in war-torn, poverty-stricken areas of the world, but wherever a disaster takes place, whether that's the Japanese tsunami victims or the US victims of Katrina. One pair of shoes, one dollar. Fair and simple

Our second charity choice is Direct Relief International

We like DRI because each $1 donated provides $30 worth of medical relief supplies for disasters anywhere in the world. more info on DRI here (scroll down past image for specifics)

Our last, but not at all least, charity choice is Stand Up To Cancer.

This horrid disease has affected too damn many of our friends and family and enough is enough.

We like Stand Up To Cancer because, unlike other organizations, not only does all your donation go toward the cause, but they have ditched a competitive research model for a cooperative one, where researchers all share and compile their data and thereby benefit from sharing knowledge & findings. more info on Stand Up To Cancer here.

If you donate, please let us know and we can keep and post a tally at the end of the exchange. You're on Snape's honour here. :)
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Nov. 30th, 2011 @ 06:26 am That annoying, but necessary proclamation from the Ministry

For those who already know about our "no concrit during the exchange" rule, scroll down to the last three paragraphs.

This is the explanation for this rule for any who are new to this exchange or new to holiday exchanges in general:

[info]snapelyholidays is like a great big, happy, pot luck party. That's what makes such exchanges fun. All are welcome to come sample the goodies. BUT -- going through the buffet line and picking and choosing from all the lovely free food and drink and then telling everyone how crappy you thought some of the food was and how you suspect certain drinks were watered down can ruin the party for the other people attending it. It has an especially disheartening effect on those who made all that free food and drink. That is what concrit (comments criticising a fic or art) can do in an exchange.

The entries in an exchange are also not necessarily representative of the writers' or artists' skills or preferences, given that they are constrained (sometimes a great deal) by their recipient's requested prompts. So at worst, concrit can make it seem as if you are being critical of the recipient's kinks which are, after all, entirely subjective. What is one person's kinky fantasy is another person's squicky nightmare and that is part of the beauty of fandom. At best, concrit is simply not helpful nor appropriate while an exchange is running.

If you truly feel the need to criticise that free goodie you decided to try and didn't care for or feel it needs improvement, do not post your critique to the community. Send it to the moddies ( and title your subject line "Concrit for [title of piece]". At the end of the exchange, any authors/artists receiving concrit on their work will get it, on request.

When and if the moddies spot/catch any concrit posted to the exchange, it will be screened and locked. In the case of trollish behaviour, it will be deleted, no exceptions.

Since the moddies cannot monitor the exchange 24/7 and not everyone that happens across the exchange will have read this or be aware of the policy, we are thankful to those of you eagle-eyed readers who spot concrit before we do. Please feel free to respond with the link to this post. One of the moddies will step in as soon as they are able.

To sum up:  when in doubt about feedback, please err on the side of holiday generosity.

Now... *takes off moddy hat* ... get your engines revved, because posting starts tomorrow! :)
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