Dec. 12th, 2010 @ 12:02 am Gift fic for alchemia, The Crystalline Cold of Christmas Air, all-ages
Recipient: alchemia

Author: Janus

Title: The Crystalline Cold of Christmas Air

Characters: Severus Snape, The Dark Lord, Abraxas Malfoy, Gellert Grindlewald

Rating: all-ages

Content Info: There are no kinks. But there are Dark Ideas.

Prompt used & Summary: Alchemia asked for a sympathetic Dark Lord. Here he appears as a boy under the shadow of another, as a man who has assumed his own pride of place, and as a lord bestowing a Christmas gift.

Disclaimer: I do not own Severus, or The Dark Lord, or Abraxas, or Gellert, or any person, place or thing from the HP universe. I make no money from this writing, which is by and for adults, ratings aside.

Word count: ~2,362

( The Crystalline Cold of Christmas Air )

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