Oct. 15th, 2010 @ 12:06 pm You say you like to Beta?

Great! Tell us what you do best by copying & pasting the form below and posting your answers as a reply to this entry. Writer's, check back at this post if you need a beta.

Note: not everyone will need each beta service listed, whereas some will need all of them. So the more beta's to choose from, the better! And thank you for helping us all enjoy a very Snapely Holiday!

Beta name:
I prefer DM: (such as Skype, ICQ, yahoo messenger, aol, etc.)

Note #1: For security purposes, please do not post your phone number if you will be texting. You can exchange contact info with any enquiring writer via email.

Note #2: Please do not use twitter to brainstorm or beta for anonymity's sake, although using twitter's Direct Message texting feature is fine.

What you can offer:

(delete the statements that don't apply to you and please elaborate if you feel the need to clarify your specifics.)

- I can brainstorm bunnies into existence/new directions for fic to take
- I like helping develop plot bunnies
- I can provide cheerleading & supportive chat at various stages of the writing process
- I'm good at catching spelling mistakes
- I'm good at fixing punctuation
- grammar nazi here!
- I am a total SP&G master
- I can Britpick
- I can answer British culture questions
- I can answer boarding school culture questions
- I can improve your fic flow (aka smooth out scenes, dialogue or action)
- I'm a continuity catcher (catching logistical errors in scenes)
- I can provide book canon nazi services
- I can provide film canon nazi services

How long a story are you willing to beta? Please indicate how much time you will need for a story for the word limit maximum you feel you can comfortably beta. This is a rough guess, of course.

(delete the statements that don't apply to you and please elaborate if you feel the need to clarify your specifics.)

- I need to work with a writer from or near the start
- I need plenty of lead time to work with a writer
- I need a week or two of warning/deadline
- I need a few days of warning/deadline
- I can beta within a day or two, if given a deadline
- I can beta/proof very quickly
- I beta/proof like the wind! Give me something to beta!
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