Dec. 15th, 2009 @ 12:09 am fic for eeyore9990 'Out of This World' (Snape/Hermione)
Current Mood: busy

Fic for: [info]eeyore9990
Title: Out of This World
Author: [info]leni_jess

Pairing: Snape/Hermione
Rating: PG
Warnings/Content Info: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[Severus Snape/Hermione Granger (in potential; pre-het, you might say). AU in that Snape's alive, and EWE, in part. One Epilogue birth date moved earlier.]
Summary: Severus Snape has found a refuge from the wizarding world. Then Granger intrudes, accompanied by Malfoy, followed by Malfoy, Malfoy, and Malfoy, bringing with them Malfoy, Malfoy and Malfoy. What next? The Ministry? Or merely trouble and endless vexation?
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~8,630
Author Notes: [info]eeyore9990, I hope this pleases you, even if I am clean out of kink this holiday season! Thanks so much to my beta readers, K and J, who helped me improve the fic; and to the mods for their saintly patience.

Fic for eeyore9990 )

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About this Entry
Dec. 15th, 2009 @ 01:53 am Snapely Holidays 2009 Gift Exchange - Week Two in Review

We're halfway through the month with lots more Snape-centric goodies to come! It's been really great to see the broader mix this year of Snapely Holidays entries (in most, if not all, areas), which is, of course, what this exchange is about - highlighting Snape in all his many guises. :)

*modly nudge* Let's take time when we can to give the writers and artists some acknowledgement, in appreciation of the work we've been able to enjoy! Thanks!

December 8 - art for [info]alchemia, 'Snape's Apprentice' SS/HP [G]

December 9 - fic for [info]scribbulus_ink, 'Complicated But Lovingly Drawn' SS/RL [NC-17]

December 10 - fic for [info]leni_jess, 'Magical Hazard: Handle With Care' SS/NL [PG]

December 11 - fic for [info]atdelphi, 'The Caretaker', SS/AF [R]

December 12 - fic for [info]irena_candy, 'Of Rhinos and Men' SS/AM [NC-17]

December 13 - Art for [info]eriwren, 'Bound To Please' SS/HP [R]

December 14 - fic for [info]karasu_hime, 'Misery Loves Company' SS/RL [NC-17]
About this Entry