Spinner's End

5 More Days for Snape Theory Contributions

5 More Days for Snape Theory Contributions

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Original poster: chaeche

With the imminent release of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, Snapecast is planning a medley for showcasing Snape Theories to air on our July 1 episode. We'll be collecting audio Owl submissions until June 20 so there are only 5 more days left for submission. If you have a special Snape Theory you'd like to share, send us an email with a voice recording or leave us a voicemail on Skype answering the question:

What do you think will happen to Severus Snape in Book 7?

Answers can cover topics ranging from whether Snape will live or die, his true allegiance, or his role in the overall plot. Please keep your submissions to under 1 minute in length. Acceptable audio formats include .MP3, .OGG, or Skype voicemail. If you need a recording program we recommend Audacity. For emails with attached recordings please put "Snape Theory" in the subject line.

Skype Username: Snapecast
Email: severus@snapecast.com

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