Spinner's End

June 11th, 2010

June 11th, 2010

Snapecast Presents: The Sitting Room at Spinner's End

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Dear Fellow Snape-fen,

You are cordially invited to the Sitting Room at Spinner's End to pass the time sneering, Snape-ing, and hexing Gryffindors socializing over libations, snacks, and greying underpants on Friday evening before the Night of a Thousand Wizards. It is our dearest hope that a few hours relaxing and Snape-ing will provide a much needed break between the stimulating formal programming of Friday afternoon and the excitement and mayhem of the Night of a Thousand Wizards.

Where: The Sitting Room at Spinner's End (hospitality suite in the conference hotel TBA - currently unplottable)

When: 6:00-9:00pm, Friday, July 16th

What: Snape-ing, of course

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