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Original poster: pennswoods

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Content for this month's Snapecast...
Even longer for your Canada Day/Independence Day/Bastille Day listening pleasure.

This is Snapecast - (0:00)
Voice: Chris
-Soundbyte: Alan Rickman, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Introduction - (0:59)
Hosts: Rachael, Wendy, Chris ([info]chaeche, [info]shark_girl)
-What's in our show?
-Fandom News: Look for Snapecast Staff at Lumos and in New York
-Listener Challenge: What is the ultimate question that you would ask JKR about Snape if you could attend the event in New York.

Snapecast PSA: Useful Safety Tips - (11:35)
Announcer: Rose ([info]lampblack)
-Stay safe this summer with Snapecast.

Snarky Chapters - (12:39)
Panel: Rachael, Wendy, Rose, Shannon ([info]chaeche, [info]shark_girl, [info]lampblack, [info]pennswoods)
The Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 5: The Whomping Willow
The Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 11: The Dueling Club

Snape's Favorite Chat-Up Lines - (37:30)
Voice: Chris

Fan Interview - (39:09)
Interviewer: Gina ([info]gina_r_snape)
Guest: snapesforte ([info]snapesforte)
- Fic: Soul Play
- Art: snapesforte on deviantart
- Website: The Half-Blood Prince

Ad – The Voice of Reason - (1:08:22)
Intro: Rachael, Becca [info]chaeche, [info]msavi)
Announcer: Jon ([info]steyt)
-If you think Snape is really on Voldemort's side, then drop us a line.

This Slytherin Life - (1:10:29)
Intro: Shannon ([info]pennswoods)
Essayist: Rachael ([info]chaeche)
-The signifcance of family relationships.

Love Potion 9 ¾ - (1:17:29)
Disclaimer: The segment may not be appropriate for younger listeners
Panel: Gina, Rachael, Becca, Jeff ([info]gina_r_snape, [info]chaeche, [info]msavi)

Contest Winners Annoucement - (1:41:40)
Announcer: Becca ([info]msavi)
-Congratulations to this month's winners
-Fic: Believing the Truth by [info]crystalusagi
-Art: Mr. Broody by Stephanie (a.k.a. cellancoly)
-Next month's contest deadline: Saturday, July 22nd at 11:59pm EST

Breaking News - (1:44:01)
Announcer: Jon ([info]steyt)
-How grey is Snape?

Snape & Roundtable - (1:44:47)
Panel: Becca, Rose, Gina, Shannon, Chris ([info]msavi, [info]lampblack, [info]gina_r_snape, [info]penswoods)
Topic: Snape & FanFiction Part I

Where's Dumbledore - (1:58:52)
Voices: Chris (Yes. All of them. He's that good…)

PSA: Snapecast at Lumos - (2:02:24)
Announcer: Rose ([info]lampblack)
-Look for us at Lumos and pick up some [info]snapecast goodies.

Owlpost - (2:03:06)
Panel: Shannon, Rachael, Wendy ([info]pennswoods, [info]chaeche, [info]shark_girl)
Voice: Chris
-Our owl has a name! Thanks to [info]hikaru_daydream for the winning entry.
-Howlers and e-mail from the wizarding world & Muggle world

Closing - (2:15:15)
Hosts: Rachael, Wendy, Chris ([info]chaeche, [info]shark_girl)

Magical and Muggle listeners are encouraged to post comments in our blogs, send us e-mails, or leave us a voicemail. Here's where you can reach us:

Website/Blog: http://snapecast.com
LJ: [info]snapecast
MySpace: snapecast
E-mail: severus@snapecast.com
Skype Username: Snapecast

-Transcripts of this episode will be available at snapecast.com .

-Lara St John, Bach Violin Concertos: 01-BWV 1041 : I. Allegro
Snapecast PSA: Useful Safety Tips
– Men Without Hats, "Safety Dance"
Snarky Chapters
– Ehren Starks, Lines Build Walls: 01-Lines Build Walls
Snape's Favorite Chat-Up Lines
Patrick Doyle, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 07 - Rita Skeeter
Fan Interview
Janine Johnson, Chopin Recital: 12-Valse Brilliante Op.18 in Eb major
The Voice of Reason Ad
– Mission Impossible theme, Music composed by Lalo Schifrin
This Slytherin Life
- Ehren Starks, The Depths of a Year: 01-The tale of room 620
- Michael Andrews, Donnie Darko: CD2 (Original Score): 01 - Carpathian Ridge
Love Potion 9 3/4
- Etta James, "I Just Want To Make Love To You"
Contest Winners Announcement
– Glen Miller & His Orchestra, "In the Mood"
Breaking News
- Allan Horn, "Newscast"
Snape & Roundtable
- Shira Kammen, Wild Wood: 13-Rapaz Mane
Where's Snape?
- John Williams, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: 01- Hedwig's Theme (Lumos!)
PSA: Snapecast at Lumos
- Patrick Doyle, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: 03 - The Quidditch World Cup
– Shira Kammen, Music of Waters: 03-Unconformity
– Lara St John, Bach Violin Concertos: 01-BWV 1041 : I. Allegro

Please visit www.magnatune.com to listen to and purchase many of the fabulous pieces of music you hear on Snapecast. Snape may be evil, but they are not.
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