S.N.A.P.E. Art Contest

The Society for Nonsensical ArtPad Enthusiasts

The Society for Nonsensical ArtPad Enthusiasts (S.N.A.P.E.) presents:

The Monthly S.N.A.P.E.
Artpad Contest.
Everyone is welcome.
Artistic talent is not required.
Make us laugh.
Poke fun at Snape.
See details in the User Info and the 'Links' section.
And remember our motto:
I can do it!


October 4th, 2008

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[info]cardigrl posts a cheerful entry to Snape October Memes with New Spells:

There's plenty of time to enter, and ArtPad is saving.  Let's see your Snape.

October 1st, 2008

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Few entries for September means extra creative energy for October! No talent needed -- only a sense of humor. Why hesitate? )

As usual, anyone can enter, entries to this contest should be made in a comment to this post, humor is more important than artistic skill, use ArtPad or a similar program to create your drawing, and if using ArtPad, take frequent screenshots in case the program fails -- although it is working now!

The winner of September Meme! Snape is [info]severed_lies, with Severus' Close Call. C'mon, folks, give her a challenge!

There will be desktop graphics for October here.

Have fun!

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