S.N.A.P.E. Art Contest

The Society for Nonsensical ArtPad Enthusiasts

The Society for Nonsensical ArtPad Enthusiasts (S.N.A.P.E.) presents:

The Monthly S.N.A.P.E.
Artpad Contest.
Everyone is welcome.
Artistic talent is not required.
Make us laugh.
Poke fun at Snape.
See details in the User Info and the 'Links' section.
And remember our motto:
I can do it!


December 18th, 2008

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Two new entries to Snape December Memes!

[info]camillo1978 gives us a cozy domestic scene with Iron

[info]hirschkuh gives us Snape at his most selfless with Christmas Greetings

Which reminds me that prizes are still outstanding! In the meantime, please click the pictures to see larger versions, and click the titles to leave comments for our artists.

June 11th, 2008

Entries by [info]severed_lies to June and Severus on the Couch Contests

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Artist: severed_lies
Contest: June Meme! Snape
Title: Alchemy Camps past the Corresponding Well
Contest: Severus on the Couch
Title: Severus Being Severus

[info]severed_lies submits the first entry in the June Meme! Snape contest with a random text answer, Alchemy Camps past the Corresponding Well:

... and also submitted an entry to the Severus on the Couch contest, Severus being Severus:

Click on the links to see a larger view, and on the titles to leave comments for severed_lies.

Show us what's stirring in Snape's mind today!

March 12th, 2008

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[info]slytherin815 joins us with two entries! First, Snape is treated for Salazar-itus in the Snape is Sick! contest.

But [info]slytherin815 is not through with Snape! His Disney Alter Ego is revealed to be The Beast in the March Meme contest!

Click on the pictures to see them at original size, and on the titles to leave a comment for [info]slytherin815.

Want Snape action? Join us!

March 10th, 2008

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Two wrong answers to the Wrong Answer March meme!

[info]hirschkuh shows us sensible Potions protections in a second entry,
Safety Wig

I loved the Safety Wig sign so much, I made a userpic out of it, but it's no comparison to the original.

Click on picture to see a larger version, and on the title to leave a comment for [info]hirschkuh.

[info]venturous also answers the Why Is Snape's Hair So Greasy? question with an amazing entry

behind this cut due to male nudity )

Click on the title to leave a comment for [info]venturous.

The next question in the Wrong Answer chain is: What does Snape do during the summer? I imagine he succumbs to a series of summer colds. You can illustrate the highly peculiar and annoying Wizarding cold in our winner's contest, Snape is Sick!

February 20th, 2008

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to [info]florence_craye's new contest, Sick! Snape:

[info]hirschkuh shows the results of Voldemort's Legilimency. Click on excerpt below for title and full picture, and here to leave a comment -- note, non-PG word and ... well, you've already seen the blood.

[info]severed_lies shows the results of Nargleitis in Compounding Troubles

And Don't Forget February Memes!

[info]florence_craye took the dating quiz and came up with the Perils of Online Dating

Another satisfied customer!

Our current contests:

ends March 20 at midnight.

ends February 29 at midnight.

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