S.N.A.P.E. Art Contest

March 20th, 2007

The Society for Nonsensical ArtPad Enthusiasts (S.N.A.P.E.) presents:

The Monthly S.N.A.P.E.
Artpad Contest.
Everyone is welcome.
Artistic talent is not required.
Make us laugh.
Poke fun at Snape.
See details in the User Info and the 'Links' section.
And remember our motto:
I can do it!


March 20th, 2007

Medieval!Snape contest

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Original poster: florence_craye

I am very excited to be hosting the next [info]snapeartcontest, Medieval!Snape.

Here are some basic guidelines to help you get started:

Put Snape in a medieval setting. What would he be doing if he lived in the Middle Ages? What if he was transported through time? What funny incidents or misunderstandings might occur? What character or personage might he stand in for during that time period?

Put Snape in a piece of medieval art. There are a lot of kinds of medieval art, and feel free to choose from any culture. Don't feel limited by the British Isles, although they may give you some ideas in the beginning. What would happen if Snape were in the Bayeux tapestry or composed an illuminated manuscript?

Does Snape see parts of his current life as reminiscent of the Middle Ages? Does the wizarding world somehow resemble that time period?

These are just ideas and questions to hopefully inspire everyone. Every entry should include Snape, if possible. Extra points for teh funny. Use ArtPad and leave your entry link as a comment to this entry. Be sure to make a screencap, in case artpad decides to mess up again.

The deadline for the contest is April 20, and the winning entry selected by me will get a Snape doodle. Feel free to comment here if you have any questions.

A reminder...

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Original poster: sylvanawood

There were no new entries these past few days, sorry...

Please don't forget to enter the March!Snape community contest while looking forward to what [info]florence_craye will challenge us with.

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