18 May 2023 @ 11:06 am
Snarry-a-Thon23: FIC: And they cut off your wings and replaced them with strings  
Title: And they cut off your wings and replaced them with strings
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] Im_just_visiting
Other pairings/threesome:
Rating: M
Word count: 7342
Content/Warning(s): Non-con, coercion, dark Harry Potter
Prompt: 110 Severus runs an apothecary in Diagon Alley. However, the "adults only" back room is where he makes most of his Galleons. Auror Potter is sent to investigate....
Summary: Being universally hated was nothing new for Severus, but the extreme poverty and living outside of society was hard, and each year that passed added to the burden. A strong man can take it, and Severus was strong, however, at the end of the day, even he is only human and cannot live on air and water. For some reason it has been his luck that he has always ended up on the wrong side and this was no different. Only one door was open to him - the sale of narcotic potions and finally Severus entered there. The appearance of Harry Potter, in his life brings big changes, that's for sure. Only whether for better or for worse, that is the question.

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And they cut off your wings and replaced them with strings )