06 December 2017 @ 11:57 am
Secret Snarry Swap: FIC: If Fate Were Kind  
Title: If Fate Were Kind
Author: [archiveofourown.org profile] eriador117
Other pairings/threesome: Side Ron/Hermione, slight Snape/OC
Rating: Explicit/NC-17
Word count: 10,500 aprox.
Content/Warning(s): Sex Magic, Teacher/Student relationship (over 18), angst, fluff, sexual situations, strong language.
Prompter/Prompt: Prompt 27 from [info]hayyel1: Old-school story where last year students need to attend sex classes, where they learn about magic rituals and of course their bodies too. Every teacher has a different topic to teach, for example one only teaches lesbians, others only teach about masturbation, etc. Harry most enjoys Snape's lessons, but he starts to become jealous when it comes to actual demonstrations.
Summary: See prompt.
A/N: Thanks again to the mods for organising another Snarry Swap and to my beta, J. Dear Prompter, this was really interesting to write, so thank you for the wonderful starting point for this story. Keep calm and read Snarry.

Read on AO3

If Fate Were Kind )