18 July 2012 @ 04:47 pm
Three ficlets...  
For the past few days I had been taking prompts in hopes of seducing my muse into wanting to work on a longer story I've had in mind for a while now. These are the drabbles/ficlets that were the results.

Title: In The Rain
Author: Aeryun
Other pairings/threesome: None
Rating: PG
Word count: 208
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *None*
Summary/Prompt:Severus contemplates the rain. The promts were: In the Rain.
A/N: For Tornio10154

Rain. Severus thought as he looked out the window. It was always the rain…

Severus felt he could almost measure his life by the amount of rain that had fallen as he was growing up. If not the figurative rain of the bullies, death eating saviors, and evil mosters who washed away his childhood…then he could surely measure it by the rain that had been falling as he was wisked out of the shack.

He could remember the wood of the shack yelling in torment as the wind protested against the sides, mimicing the yelling that he was free and could not die…Not NOW! He never was sure if that yelling had been only in his mind…or by someone else. He had never gathered the courage to ask, after all hearing voices, even in their world was considered highly strange.

He could remember the coolness of the rain, as it washed over the wounds and seeped into his soul…soothing the fires of guilt that had been burning within for so long.

That rain had opened the door to recovery. That had opened the door to possibilities.

Severus felt that it was fitting for the rain to fall today. A wedding in the rain felt…just right.

Title: How to Train Your Dragon
Author: Aeryun
Other pairings/threesome: None
Rating: PG
Word count: 207
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *None*
Summary/Prompt: Sleeping with a dragon is more fun than it sounds like. Prompts: Dragon, Song, and Five
A/N: For Angela_Snape

“Severus…Severus. Time to wake up!” The song of Harry’s voice crept into his consciousness, even as unwelcome as it was. “I do not understand why you insist I get you up at five with me, when you don’t get to bed until two while you are researching. You are such a dragon on those days! Why don’t you just sleep in for once, I only have a half day to work today. I’ll be home before you wake up again, I promisqueek!”

Harry yelped as a hand streaked out to grab his hips.

“I’d sleep much better if you would floo in sick to work. Doesn’t Weasley owe you, SEVERAL favors. Sounds like the perfect day to call in one of them.” Severus sleepily suggested as he stroked down Harry’s hip to something that defiantly liked the idea of staying in bed.

“You have to let go for me to do that. Ron knows what I was planning on teaching the trainees. He can survive on his own…Oh! Don’t stop…wait, stop it if you want me to be able to floo!”

“If you insist, but I wouldn’t be too long if I were you. I hear the sweet song of Morpheus calling.”

Title: Pesky Possessive Potions Masters
Author: Aeryun
Other pairings/threesome: None
Rating: PG
Word count: 303
Content/Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *None*
Summary/Prompt: Flight, Fight, or Fu...well you get the idea. Promts: Posessive, Curtains, and Mongoose.
A/N: For Roozetter

“I think we need to bring in an exterminator for my greenhouse. I saw something small and furry in there earlier today. If I didn’t know better, I could have sworn it was a mongoose.” Severus said, as he purposely ignored Harry stiffening next to him in the bed…and not in the good way, mind you.

Harry turned to shift the curtain to close around his side of the bed. “Why would you think it was a mongoose? This isn’t their natural habitat.”

“That was why I took a better look. Granted I had to use a Pensieve to do so, as the animal in question took off as soon as I saw it. I am fairly sure, after consulting several magical and mundane compendiums, that is was truly a mongoose.”

“Why put so much effort into this? Will a mongoose hurt any of your plants?”

“Not the plants, no, I do have several snakes that I am worried about, though.”

Harry sighed in relief. “Your snakes are safe, I talk to them all the time, and they are the friendliest bunch I’ve ever seen. I doubt some weird mongoose would do anything to hurt them.”

“Now, why would you believe just because you talk to the snakes, that a wild animal would also consider them safe? Especially, when this wild animal should be nowhere near our region, much less our greenhouse…”

“Why are you being so possessive of that greenhouse? Nothing has happened, and you don’t even know if the animal will be back.”

“Why won’t you just admit you finally got your Animagus transformation, and I can move my possessiveness back to where it belongs?”

Harry only had time to blush and squeak as Severus gave into his urges and finally pounced on his little minx…er mongoose.
Current Mood: amused