25 November 2011 @ 05:08 pm
FIC: An Early Friday  
Title: An Early Friday
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Characters: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Challenge: [info]torino10154's BJ Friday
Rating: R
Length: 100x2
Warnings: *AU, chan – Harry is 16, set during HBP*
Summary: Harry appreciates being able to start things, now that they've bonded.
The Erastes Series.
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.

An Early Friday

Current Mood: contemplative
25 November 2011 @ 06:36 pm
Severus in Control  
Title: Severus in Control (Part 1)
Author: [info]suitesamba
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Chapter Word Count: About 2350
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): *Oh my...toys, light BDSM, some dirty language (points up to rating).*
Summary: Severus Snape is always in control--even when he's not.
Disclaimer: The characters in this story are not mine and may behave in a manner their original creator did not intend. No money is being made from this story, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
A/N:: I was bored, because the other stories I'm working on are (1) mentor Severus and (2) extremely plotty. Then I saw the "Blow Job Friday" suggestion and thought "Why not?" This became a bit more than a drabble and Part 2 will be posted soon (well, as soon as I write it, but you'll figure out what it is when you read this one). This is extremely smutty. Go figure.

Severus in Control
Current Mood: energetic
25 November 2011 @ 08:21 pm
Two drabbles for [info]torino10154's blow job Friday challenge  
Title: This is How You do it!
Author: [info]fancypantsdylan
Pairing: Harry/Severus, Draco/Harry, Harry/Draco/Severus
Word Count: 404
Rating: R
Beta: none, all mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: All characters are owned by JK Rowling, I just play with them. The author makes no profit with this work of fiction.
A/N: My second attempt for [info]torino10154’s ‘Blow Job Friday’ challenge, though it has nothing to do with Friday’s :D.

( This is how you do it! )

Title: Just Get On With It
Author: [info]fancypantsdylan
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Word Count: 216
Rating: R
Beta: none, all mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: All characters are owned by JK Rowling, I just play with them. The author makes no profit with this work of fiction.
A/N: Written for [info]torino10154’s ‘Blow Job Friday’ challenge.

( Just get on with it! )
Current Location: Home
Current Mood: exhausted