10 May 2011 @ 06:52 am
Snarry-a-thon11: FIC: Of Teddy Bears and House-elves  
Title: Of Teddy Bears and House-elves
Author: [info]fancypantsdylan
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~8,800
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Wanking, a grown man cuddling a teddy bear ;), interfering house-elves, oh and man sex :D*
Prompt: Snape's animagus form is a stuffed animal and Harry sleeps with him every night after accidentally buying him in a shop in Hogsmeade.
Summary: Harry buys a battered old teddy bear from a shop in Hogsmeade, not realising it is Snape. The only way to change him back, according to Kreacher, is for Harry to use his wand.
A/N: I wish to thank [info]veridari for the first read through of the unfinished story and [info]torino10154 who also read it in is first unfinished draft but who also helped with the additional text that came about because of comments from [info]starduchess’s beta. She did a wonderful job and I thank her most profusely. The help and support these three gave was greatly appreciated, thanks guys *group hug* Any other mistakes are all mine.

Of Teddy Bears and House-elves  )
10 May 2011 @ 11:56 am
Snarry-a-thon11: FIC: All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Snarry  
Title: All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Snarry
Author: [info]shadowess
Other pairings/threesome: None
Rating: PG
Word count:1,016
Warning(s): None
Prompt: #1: WildCard
Summary: All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Snarry
Beta: [info]crimson_vipera
A/N: They have one of these posters at my dentist and, while waiting for $800 worth of dental work to be done, I read it and thought about Snarry. I shamelessly stole many of the Snarry fandom clichés from [info]accioslash’s post back in November 2009.

All I Really Need To Know I Learned From Snarry  )
10 May 2011 @ 12:03 pm
Snarry-a-Thon11: ART: The Last Memory  
Title: The Last Memory
Artist: [info]amanitamuscaria
Rating: PG
Media: Photoshop over pencil.
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Blood, implied imminent major character death.*
Prompt: Red and black and silver, with buttons
Summary: The last thought was never collected.

The Last Memory thumb

The Last Memory )
10 May 2011 @ 08:55 pm
Snarry-a-Thon: FIC: Perfect  
Title: Perfect
Author: [info]annescriblerian
Other pairings/threesome: Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Justin Finch-Fletchley
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Word count: ~17,800
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Forced bonding, explicit sex, mpreg discussed.*
Prompt: #113: Harry decides to rescue Snape from a life in Azkaban by marrying him. Snape decides to exact a long, slow revenge by acting out the role of perfect housewife with exactness, attention to detail, and a vicious flair that is perfectly Snapey.
Summary: I misremembered the prompt and wrote this story instead: “Harry decides to rescue Snape from a life in Azkaban by marrying him. Snape is the ‘perfect wife.’ In his own snarky way.” I’m a romantic at heart, but there’s a wee bit of drama included for those who like their fluff not to be too sweet.
A/N: Thank you to R, M, and S for the comments and the encouragement. I really did try to write “more” this time! However, I’m afraid that this still will need a sequel. Or two. Special thanks to [info]accioslash for giving me extra time to finish this monster.
