23 August 2010 @ 06:12 pm
The Unspeakable Force or What Draco Just Did  
Title: The Unspeakable Force or What Draco Just Did
Author: [info]fancypantsdylan
Character(s): Harry, Severus, Draco, Kingsley
Word Count: ~1,000
Rating: PG-13
Beta: [info]starduchess
Summary: Severus, Kingsley, Harry and Draco having their picture taken after a successful sting operation.
Disclaimer: All characters owned by JK Rowling, I just play with them. No profit made on use of characters.
A/N: This story was inspired by the wonderful art [info]veridian_dair drew, The Unspeakable Force

( The Unspeakable Force or What Draco Just Did )
Current Location: Home
Current Mood: amused
23 August 2010 @ 07:28 pm
Fic: One Drink (Severus/Harry R)  
Title: One Drink
Author: [info]red_day_dawning
Word count: ~2K
Pairing/s: Severus/Harry
Prompt: Brocade
Rating: R
Warning/s: EWE; first person POV
Disclaimer: Based on characters and situations created and owned by J K Rowling, various publishers and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: It had been too long since I had seen him, it had not been nearly long enough.
A/N: Writtten as a (belated) birthday fic for the delightful [info]alisanne, who I secretly think of as "Alisanne, Queen of the Drabble". May the coming year bring you much joy, [info]alisanne!
Beta-read by [info]torino10154 of the gorgeous smile - many thanks to you, my dear. *hugs*

One Drink
23 August 2010 @ 11:14 pm
FIC: Breathe in Shock  
Title: Breathe in Shock
Rating : R
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Word Count: 100x5
Challenge:[info]snarry100 #226: Snape Manor / #228: Fight or Flight
Warnings: *Shower!sex, Implied Mpreg*
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary: Glimpses life with the Potter-Snape family. Another in the Breathe Series
Thanks to [info]alisanne for the once over and suggestions! *smooches*

Breathe in Shock

Current Mood: accomplished