18 November 2009 @ 11:44 pm
Shot in the Dark  
Title: Shot in the Dark
Author: Alisanne
Challenge: Written for the [info]snarry_ldws week #9 submission.
Genre/Cliché: First Time, Humor, Angst/Flangst, Romance.
Phrase prompt: 'A shot in the dark,' OR, 'shot in the dark.'
Summary: Sometimes you need to take a shot in the dark to get your true rewards.
Rating/Warnings: PG/ None
Word Count: 100 x 5
Notes: Heartfelt thanks to my fabulous beta reader, [info]sevfan, to [info]eeyore9990 for her hand-holding and support, and to the slashchat girls for cheering me on for the nine weeks of this challenge.

Shot in the Dark
Current Mood: tired