02 September 2009 @ 04:54 pm
FIC: Peaches II: In the Flesh  
Title: Peaches II: In the Flesh
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: foodsmut, rimming, oral, anal, brief spanking, unconventional peach usage
Summary: Harry learned something about Severus’s obsessions he won’t soon forget – especially not during peach season.
Word Count: ~2700
Notes: Written for the Bring Back the Porn Challenge. This is a sequel to Peaches. It’s helpful to read that (also a PWP) first, but not necessary – what you really need to know is Severus is seriously crazy for peaches. Also Harry is over 18.
Disclaimer: Anything recognizable isn't mine, it belongs to J.K.R. and WB and whoever else has a legal claim.
X-posted to the LJ sister community & [info]bbtp_challenge

Peaches II: In the Flesh )
Bridget McKennitt
02 September 2009 @ 07:29 pm
A Symphony Of Sensations  
Title: A Symphony Of Sensations
By: Bridget McKennitt
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 375
Summary: Harry loved testing out the latest inventions from Severus.
Contains: No warnings in as far I know that can't be extrapolated from the header itself.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter is owned by other companies. They are used here without permission, and for entertainment purposes only. No challenge or infringement upon the copyright is intended, nor should any be inferred.
Author's Notes: Written for [info]bbtp_challenge.

A Symphony Of Sensations