21 April 2009 @ 06:46 am
Snarry-a-Thon FIC: The Glass of Wine  
Title: The Glass of Wine
Author: [info]slashislove
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 2,160
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *Magical AU.*
Prompt: Snape was never a teacher at Hogwarts, but he still is a Potion Master.
Summary: This was a night Harry wanted to remember.
A/N: Beta'd by [info]leni_jess. Thanks!

The Glass of Wine  )

21 April 2009 @ 07:15 am
Snarry-A-Thon FIC: Sorting It Out  
Title: Sorting it Out
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Other pairings/threesome: RW/HG
Rating: NC-17/Adult
Word count: 14,042
Warning(s): (highlight for spoilers) *AU, EWE, post-war/Hogwarts, a touch of angst*
Prompt: #12 - A number of years after the war, Harry finds Snape in a completely Muggle environment. He comes to realize that the cost of surviving the snake bite from hell was Snape's magic.
Summary: Harry takes a vacation from his job as an Auror and begins to rethink the direction his life has taken.
A/N: Beta'd by the three wonderful ladies – you know who you are! [info]florida_minxie, [info]alisanne, and [info]rakina

Sorting it Out )
Keeper of the Cocks
21 April 2009 @ 10:57 am
Ficlet: Truce  
Title: Truce
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Word Count: ~590
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: MPREG (say what? *g*)
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to JKR.
A/N: A very belated gift for [info]accioslash's birthday. Naturally she asked for another episode from my AU Esse Quam Videri universe. Only for you, honey, only for you. ;)
21 April 2009 @ 04:07 pm
Speechless is now complete!  
Title: Speechless.
Author: [info]thesewarmstars.
Rating: NC-17.
Length: Nine chapters, about 23,000 words.
Summary: Nine months after the final battle, Harry discovers Snape in St. Mungo’s, still suffering from a curse. The healers are doing anything but their jobs, so Harry takes it on himself to rehabilitate the man he’s learning to respect.
Disclaimer: I’m making no profit. Off anything, much less this.
Warnings: * mentions of past unpleasantness (rape, attempted suicide), minor character death *
AN: All of canon is canon, except for certain (ahem) aspects of the final battle which should become apparent, and of course that scary epilogue. Huge thanks to [info]atypicalsnowman for the beta!

First Chapter at my IJ, subsequent chapters linked from there.
21 April 2009 @ 10:28 pm
Snarry-a-Thon ART: Florence in C Minor  
Title: Florence in C Minor
Artist: [info]choose2live
Rating: G
Media: Pencil and Charcoal
Warning(s): none
Prompt: #21 - Harry finds Severus living in (insert romantic non-anglo city) as a musician/composer. Piano, perhaps, or cello? He has built a wonderful life, but is deeply lonely (of course!) Enter Boy-who-Lived, freshly divorced and wandering in aimless melancholy. He is drawn to the music, but doesn't know why.
Summary: Resonance between two souls.
A/N: Thanks to my ever-faithful friends for cheerleading and last-minute beta-ing! You know who you are!


Florence in C Minor )