15 February 2009 @ 03:21 am
New Fest Announcement: Snarry-a-thon (Easter Edition)  
To paraphrase Mark Twain, "The rumors of the death of Snarry have been greatly exaggerated." So we at [info]snape_potter want to bring back the Snarry with a Snarry-a-thon!

The Snarry-a-thon is a new anonymous, prompt-based fic and art fest sponsored by the mods at [info]snape_potter with the goal of resurrecting the Snarry love. Posting will begin April 12, 2009.


Timeline and Rules below the cut )
15 February 2009 @ 04:18 pm
FIC: [info]snarry100 ~ Surprised Squeals  
Title: Surprised Squeals
Rating : PG
Author: [info]lilyseyes
Word Count: 100x4
Challenge: 149: Breakfast
Warnings: *Implied Mpreg, fluff, toddler-induced chaos*
Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse – I just play in it. No money is made from these amateur works.
Summary: Glimpses life with the Potter-Snape family. Another in the Breathe Series
Thanks to the marvelous [info]florida_minxie for the beta! *smooches*

Surprised Squeals

Current Mood: happy
15 February 2009 @ 06:04 pm
FIC: Tapestry, by Rakina, PG, chapter 5/?  
Title: Tapestry, A Journey in Eight Stages
Author: Rakina
Rating: PG for now, possibly rising to R or NC17 later.
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Summary: Harry only has one thing from his parents: a blanket. But his mum and dad were magical, and so it turns out to be no ordinary blanket, after all.
Beta: A very big thank you to my regular, wonderful beta and remover of my foot from my mouth, Hel Bee.
Disclaimer: I am not making any money from the characters which belong to JK Rowling. No disrespect intended. I do, however, lay claim to the plot and original characters.
Note: Sorry for the delay in posting, everyone. Feedback is wonderful, however short and sweet!

Previous chapters here

Chapter 5: And The Threat From Within )
Current Mood: relieved
15 February 2009 @ 08:00 pm
Snarry-a-thon: Call for Prompts  
This is where you can suggest prompts for the Snarry-a-thon (Easter Edition).

Don't hold back. Please feel free to suggest as many prompts as you like. Submitting prompts doesn't commit you to anything.

Happy prompts, dark prompts, silly prompts, kinky prompts, past, present, and future prompts, prompts from any universe, surprises and beloved cliches.... We welcome any flavour of Snarry. Let your fantasy run wild!

This post will stay open until February 21. At February 22 a post with all prompts will go up and you'll be able to claim them.

Have fun!

[ETA:] As of now, Saturday, Feb 21, 1 pm, Los Angeles time (PST), THE PROMPTS SUGGESTION POST IS CLOSED. Please do not comment here anymore.