Snape/Percy Ship Community - September 17th, 2007

viverras posting in The Snape/Percy Ship Community
User: [info]snape_percy (posted by [info]viverras)
Date: 17th-September-2007 05:18
Subject: Fic, Viverras, SS/PW, NC-17
Security: Public

Title: Some Things Don't Stay The Same
Characters: Severus Snape, Percy Weasley, Minerva
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Rimming, accidental and, because one person isn't aware of it, possibly non-consensual voyeurism (or does the fact that it's accidental negate the consent issue? I can't decide)
Compliant to: Umm. Somewhere during DH, things must've taken quite a turn.
Word count: 1815
Summary: Severus thinks about his life. Then does things.
Notes: Thank you, [info]lysa1 for the beta and advice.

Some Things Don't Stay The Same )

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