Snape Obsessed

January 18th, 2010

07:40 pm - [info]leela_cat - FIC: Joined-Up with Jobberknolls (Snape/Lockhart ~ PG)

Title: Joined-Up with Jobberknolls
Author: Leela ([info]leela_cat)
Pairing: Severus/Gilderoy
Rating: PG
Content Info/Warnings: * None *
Word Count: ~3,200
Beta: [info]r_grayjoy
Summary: Life in the Spell Damage ward is not what it used to be and, after making an unexpected friend, Gilderoy might grow to like it.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, and I certainly don't make any money from them.
Author Notes: Written for [info]littleblackbow in the 2009 [info]snapelyholidays. She said that getting together stories were great and that you like adult friendship stories. This has a little bit of each of those prompts.
Oh, and a Jobberknoll is a tiny, blue speckled bird whose feathers are used in potions that affect/improve memory.

Click to read Joined-Up with Jobberknolls on my IJ
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