Snape Obsessed

July 7th, 2008

04:22 pm - [info]alisanne - Blessed Breath

Title: Blessed Breath
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Summary: Harry and Severus work out the best way to have the perfect vacation.
Word Count: ~2160
Genre: Romance, erotica.
Warnings: Graphic homosexual sex.
A/N: Dedicated to and written as gift for [info]lilyseyes, whose Breathe Series has provided me with endless joy. Thank you, sweetie!
Beta: [info]sevfan
Disclaimer: This work is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers and Warner Bros., Inc. The Breathe series, Severus James, and Laurel Eileen Potter-Snape belong to [info]lilyseyes, and are used with her permission for Breathe Appreciation submissions. No profit is being made from this work.

Blessed Breath
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