Snape Obsessed

January 18th, 2008

10:49 am - [info]alwaysasnapefan - Dolled Up

Dolled Up ART
PG Arthur gets all dolled up for Severus and sees what he thinks of it . . . Snape shuts him up to have a good look. He approves.

03:19 pm - [info]triceybabe - Snowed In

Title: Snowed In
Author: [info]triceybabe
Beta: [info]suemonroe
Rating: PG-16
Pairing:HP/SS, NOT bottom!Snape lol, chan (14)
Warnings: AU (non magic), Snape POV
Disclaimer: I do not own HP and its affiliates. I'm only playing with them for a bit. I promise to give them back. Maybe.
Notes: I don't think this is what she meant when [info]the_con_cept said the words, and I quote, "snow, bottom!Snape, and math...". Nevertheless, this is what she gets and I hope it takes her mind off of things. Hope you like it! My beta is wonderful. I was experimenting with this fic by making it one POV, so any remaining mistakes are my own!

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09:23 pm - [info]alwaysasnapefan - Her Day

Her Day
Valentine's Day is her day, but Severus is sick of feeling like he's second. Snarthur. 
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