Snape Obsessed

January 15th, 2008

01:02 am - [info]alwaysasnapefan - The Ring

The Ring (drabble and art)
Snarthur. Sometimes Arthur thinks about it, but it's not often.

03:45 am - [info]alwaysasnapefan - Hunger

PG-13 Just a look at Arthur and Severus's relationship.

06:55 pm - [info]alwaysasnapefan - Island Getaway

Island Getaway
NC-17 Severus won't take his shirt off for fear of showing his Dark Mark. Arthur remedies that.
Warnings: Foot love.


08:58 pm - [info]alwaysasnapefan - Kiss It

Kiss It
PG-13 Illustration from Island Getaway.
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