Snape Obsessed

December 9th, 2007

10:13 am - [info]alwaysasnapefan - Brainy and the Beast, Chapter 3

Title: Brainy and the Beast
Whole fic: NC-17
This part: PG
Warnings: Bestialty, non-con (but not from the Beast)
Summary: My take on Beauty and the Beast, snupin style.

Brainy and the Beast, Chapter 3

02:24 pm - [info]alwaysasnapefan - Brainy and the Beast, Chapter 4

Title: Brainy and the Beast
Whole fic: NC-17
Chapter 4: PG-13
Chapter 5: PG
Warnings: Bestialty, non-con (but not from the Beast)
Summary: My take on Beauty and the Beast, snupin style.

Brainy and the Beast, Chapter 4

Brainy and the Beast, Chapter 5
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