Snape 100


March 17th, 2020

ellid @ 07:55 am: Title: Election Day, VII
Prompt: Price Gouging
Word Count: 100

“More like quintupled it,” said Septima, skimming the relevant article in the Prophet and doing the math in her head. “If that weren’t bad enough, the ink can only be purchased from a conglomerate based in Argentina that’s been price gouging for years. The Headmistress of Castelbruxo had to threaten to turn their board into capybaras before they’d give her the traditional student discount.”

“So this means – “

“The Wizengamot may or may not have the funds necessary to print and send the ballot cards in the first place.” Septima handed Severus the paper. “See?”

“Monstrous,” murmured Severus, scowilng. “Monstrous.”

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