Snape 100


March 3rd, 2020

ellid @ 07:46 am: Title: The Wedding Industry, II
Prompt: Gender equality
Word Count: 100

“Good heavens, they cannot be serious.” Severus waved the magazine at his fiancée. “‘Selectively bred white phoenixes will provide pyrotechnical splendor to your wedding reception.’ ‘American wines aged in timbers from the Mayflower.’ What is this nonsense?”

“What I’m to waste my parents’ money on if we’re to keep up with the Yaxleys.” Septima looked pained. “Some of the gowns cost more than I earn in ten years.”

“And what about me? Am I supposed to have a Tibetan house elf pedicure?” Severus shuddered at the mere thought. “Or simply show up and say my vows?”

“The latter, I expect.”

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