Snape 100


February 20th, 2020

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Refugees, XXIV
Prompt: institutional homophobia
Word Count: 100

“Headmaster Zaake has been released from hospital and will be joining us at Hogwarts until it’s safe to return to Uagadou,” Minerva told the faculty during a meeting the next day. “His partner, Professor Wasswa, disappeared during the attack and hasn’t been seen since.”

“Wasswa? The Defense teacher?” Severus could not help interjecting. “He specialized in battle magic. How could even Muggles defeat him?”

“It wasn’t the Muggles this time,” said Minerva. She looked so weary. “It was a group from a local mixed Muggle/Wizarding village. They have a strict law against homosexuality, you know.”

“But surely the Wizards – “

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