Snape 100


February 18th, 2020

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Refugees, XXII
Prompt: institutional homophobia
Word Count: 100
Note: King James I was almost certainly bisexual; in addition to his extremely tolerant queen, he had relationships with another woman and at least three men. The most important of these was with George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, whom he called “Steenie.”

“’Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live’? ‘Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination’?” Severus tossed the Prophet aside. “That is why they massacred a school and a whole village? Dunderheads, King James himself had Steenie – “

“I know, darling, I know.” Septima gestured at the paper, which obediently folded itself and floated over to the tea table. She slid into the chair opposite him and took his hand in both of hers. “The Muggles in that area have laws against homosexuality, you know. Throw in religious fanaticism and you can guess what happened.”

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