Snape 100


February 7th, 2020

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Refugees, X
Prompt: epidemic
Word Count: 100

“I’ve just received word from Beauxbatons,” Severus told Minerva over lunch. “It’s the same situation. Traumatized children who won’t leave their rooms, one or two afraid to use their wands – “

“The news from Durmstrang is similar, plus the children are ill from the sudden change in climate. Poppy is owling them a shipment of medication.”

“What about the American schools?” Severus said at last. “Any word?”

“Minerva!” Pomona, all but tears, burst in without knocking. “We’ve just received an owl from Groom Lake. A rich alumnus is trying to force the refugees to leave, something about ‘illegal immigration’- “

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