Snape 100


February 4th, 2020

ellid @ 06:54 am: Title: Refugees, VI
Prompt: epidemic
Word Count: 100

“They’re all physically healthy,” said Poppy. She had taken off her headscarf and loosened her hair, and now sat picking at a meal, an untouched headache potion next to her tea. “Psychologically – well.”

Severus pushed the tiny vial of medication toward her and waited until she stopped rubbing her temples and actually drank. “Is there any more information on how the Muggles found the school at all? It should be Unplottable.”

“I’m not sure.” Poppy sighed and picked up her fork. “Something about a Squib relative who’d joined a religious cult? There’s practically an epidemic of them in the area.”

ellid @ 07:49 am: Title: Refugees, VII
Prompt: epidemic
Word Count: 100

“Religious cult?” Severus fished a second dose of headache remedy out of his robes and swallowed it, neat, despite it tasting unpleasantly like fish oil laced with salted licorice. “That justifies turning on one’s family and friends? Good God.”

“One of their prefects told me that this cult leader claims Oagadou was the source of HIV infection for that part of Africa. A lot of families withdrew their children for their safety and either educated them at home or sent them to Cairo for tutoring,” said Poppy. “It’s senseless. Did you know they burned the library? All those books – “

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