Snape 100


January 23rd, 2020

ellid @ 07:45 am: Title: Reactions, IV
Prompt: blood purity
Word Count: 100

Draco Malfoy

“I’m sorry Father was so unpleasant.” Draco sighed. “He’s grown even more rigid in his thinking since I defied him to marry Astoria. That blood curse – “

“I understand Bill and Fleur are working on a counter-charm. Septima has been helping them with the equations.” Severus waited for his favorite student to compose himself. “Your son is a fine young wizard, you know.”

“I’ll tell Astoria you said so. She’s a fine mother.” Draco managed a smile. “Congratulations on your engagement, Professor. May your life together be joyous and long, and your children a credit to their name.”

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