Snape 100


January 17th, 2020

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: Non-Western Texts, V
Prompt: Chinese Astrology
Word Count: 100

“Perhaps. We can discus in the morning.”.

Septima hesitated, then nodded. She pointed at the review book. “Did you look us up yet? Chinese wizards sometimes use this to determine compatibility.”

“Look up – oh. It hadn’t occurred to me since it’s perfectly obvious we’re compatible.” Severus finished his cocoa. “I think there’s a chapter on ‘love signs,’ which sounds rather a Muggle bestseller.”

“Oh, I remember that!” exclaimed Septima. “One of my roommates at school was convinced it was all true even after Professor Carpalia taught an entire unit on how badly Muggles had misinterpreted the old texts. Quite amusing.”

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