Snape 100


December 13th, 2019

ellid @ 07:00 am: Title: Home for the Holidays, X
Prompt: gift exchanges
Word Count: 100

“Whizzo Confectionaries?” Septima blanched at the sight of the catalogus. “I thought Albus was the only one who enjoyed those.”

“He was,” said Xiomara Hooch, sipping tea. “Severus asked for the catalogue because of your holiday gift exchange.”

“Oh no. Oh no.” Septima sank into the nearest chair. “I told Mum not to match him with Uncle Gersonides. I told her.”

“Gersonides Vector is still alive?” The Muggle Studies professor wandered in, blanched at the catalogue, and sat. “He actually likes this rubbish?”

Septima buried her face in her hands. “Yes, and my fiancé has to buy some for him!”

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