Snape 100


October 9th, 2019

ellid @ 07:48 am: Title: Wartime Memories, III
Prompt: Raiders of the Lost Ark
Word Count: 100

Unfortunately, Moody had been an Auror during the 30’s who’d fought Nazi wizards, hated Nazi wizards, and eventually joined the Rangers so he could kill even more Nazi wizards (and non-wizards). He remembered every single bit of it, or so it seemed, and the instant the quietus wore off he returned to critiquing Raiders of the Lost Ark with vigor, vim, and zero regard for the rest of the audience.

“It wasn’t that easy to fly to Tibet, even in an aeroplane!”

“He would have drowned!”

“Folding hangers? Bah!”

“Oh, stuff it,” muttered Nympadora Tonks, and for once Severus agreed.

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