Snape 100


October 3rd, 2019

ellid @ 07:51 am: Title: This Parchment Will Self-Destruct in Five Seconds, IV
Prompt: Mission Impossible
Word Count: 100

“Parchment?” Minerva had drifted over to the conversation, nodding at the memory of the Cockroach Clusters incident. It was one of the last times Albus had laughed, and it was good that enough time had passed that the memory no longer brought pain. “The ink or the actual scroll?”

“Sometimes one or the other, sometimes both.” Severus exhaled softly, gazing past them at the fresco of Adelhard the Annoying and his flock of fwoopers. “Once it was an entire Mills & Boon novel. It was embarrassing enough, reading that thing in public, and then when it burst into flames – “

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