Snape 100


September 30th, 2019

ellid @ 07:49 am: Title: This Parchment Will Self-Destruct in Five Seconds, I
Prompt: Mission Impossible
Word Count: 100

Next up was an action-packed, delightfully violent thriller about spies who were uniformly beautiful, fit, and armed with enough technological innovations to compensate for being Muggles. Best of all, it was based on a television series with a few issues suitable for showing to the younger students, which mollified faculty concerns about the occasional traumatized youngster needing to be obliviated.

Severus, now sufficiently recovered from the horror of Canadian clabbert elves, settled down next to Septima, a tub of American-style butterd popcorn and two fizzy drinks floating in his wake. She smiled and nestled against him.

This would be fun.

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