Snape 100


September 3rd, 2019

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: No Pirates Allowed
Prompt: Pirates of the Caribbean
Word Count: 100

“Severus?” Minerva read over the leave request. “You wish to take a week off? May I ask why?”

“Septima has been invited to give a guest lecture at Castelbruxo and asked me to accompany her. ” Severus tried and failed to look blasé at the prospect. “Studying their potions lore should be most enlightening.”

“Very well,” said Minerva, signing the request with a flourish. “We can take a week off from the films – “

Severus shuddered. “No thank you. I saw the first of those pirate films when it came out. That was quite enough of Mr. Depp for me.”

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