Snape 100


August 6th, 2019

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Toy Transportation, II
Prompt: Transformers
Word Count: 100

“Well, yes,” said the Muggle Studies professor. “Regardless, they’re popular, and quite influential among Muggles. So the children would benefit by viewing at least one of them.”

“Then I’ll leave you to it,” said Minerva. “I’ve always believed in letting teachers design their own curricula, and – “

“Show them Bumblebee.” Septima turned and addressed the Muggle Studies professor directly. “It’s by far the best, plus the lead character is a strong, well written young girl.”

The Muggle Studies professor shook his head. “I’m afraid I’ve already scheduled the first of the series. Perhaps Bumblebee could be available for extra credit.”

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