Snape 100


July 26th, 2019

ellid @ 07:40 am: Title: Brooms are Better, V
Prompt: Fast & Furious
Word Count: 100

Ten Aurors, a dozen Time Turners, thousands of galleons in fines, and a mass obliviation charm later, and the broom race at the Grand Prix de Monte Carlo was officially classified as “an unfortunate incident” rather than “a catastrophic breach of magical security.” The students had been put to work at the Ministry, and The Fast and the Furious had been permanently removed from the Muggle Studies curriculum.

One question remained: why had half a dozen Ravenclaws and three annoyed Gryffindors decided to pit their Firebolts against Muggle engines?

“Because brooms are better,” said the ringleader, and that was that.

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