Snape 100


July 1st, 2019

ellid @ 07:11 am: Title: Plagiarism is Not Pretty, I
Prompt: Ghostbusters
Word Count: 100

“Minerva? If I might have a moment?” Severus waited for the rest of the faculty to exit. “This upcoming list of films – “

“I’m aware that the first one is an animated musical.” Minerva cleared up the detritus of the staff meeting with a sweep of her wand. “If you and Septima wish to skip it, I doubt anyone would notice or particularly object.”

“It’s not that.” Severus handed her a hand-made poster. “It’s young Master Crabbe. He’s announced a protest march against The Lion King, to be held prior to the first screening.”

“I beg your pardon. He what?”

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