Snape 100


June 27th, 2019

ellid @ 07:06 am: Title: Lighten Up, Professor! IV
Prompt: Ghostbusters
Word Count: 100

“Stop what?” Severus said. ‘We’re simply discussing the – “

“That wasn’t a discussion. Why are you so stubborn? This is – ‘

“Not acceptable for two professors!” Minerva exclaimed. She raised her wand and pointed at the nearest staircase, which obediently froze. Go find a quiet place and work out your differences in private. Until then, kindly spare us the sight of senior faculty sniping at each other.”

“I was not – “ Severus wilted as Minerva glared at him. “Very well, Headmistress. Professor Vector?”

“Professor Snape,” said Septima. She swallowed, hard, and then started up the stairs, Severus at her heels.

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