Snape 100


June 10th, 2019

ellid @ 07:49 am: Title: A Long Time Ago, in a Cinema Far, Far Away I
Prompt: Star Wars
Word Count: 100

“May the Fourth be with you,” intoned the Muggle Studies professor. He’d exchanged his normal teaching robe for a short white kimono and dust-colored leggings, and had cast an illusion on his wand to make it look mechanical.

“I beg your pardon?” Minerva frowned as she noticed how many of the students streaming into the theater wore similar get-ups.

“The fourth of May was the world premiere of Star Wars in 1997,” said Severus, coming up beside her. He was still in black, thank God, and his wand still looked like a wand. “It’s a traditional greeting amongst the fans.”

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