Snape 100


April 24th, 2019

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Yet Another Festival, III
Prompt: Edinburgh Fire Festival
Word Count: 100
Note: It’s also yet another Motherless Child ficlet, because I can’t seem to quit those two no matter how much I try. This one mainly concerns Severus’ Muggle relatives.

“Nudity? What are – “ Remus reclaimed the pamphlet, eyes widening as he came to a paragraph about the Festival being unsuitable for young children. “Oh. I see what you mean.”

“Who wrote this nonsense? The Green Man was a Muggle artistic convention, not a deity. Ditto the May Queen.” Severus leaned over Remus’ shoulder and pointed out the relevant sections. “Coming into a Bower – “

“Sounds mildly filthy,” said Remus. He froze at a creak from the ceiling – was their son eavesdropping again? – and waited until there was silence from the upper story. “Who sent us this?”

“Nymphadora, surprisingly enough.”

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