Snape 100


March 26th, 2019

ellid @ 07:33 am: Title: Twelve Points for Britain! II
Prompt: Eurovision
Word Count: 100
Note: this is inspired by the incident a few years ago when Ireland’s entry into the Eurovision Song Contest was Dustin the Turkey.

It’s also yet another Motherless Child ficlet, because I can’t seem to quit those two no matter how much I try. This time it’s when Snape and Lupin are dating but Lupin still lives in Mayfair while Severus boards at Hogwarts.

Severus watched, frowning, as the Ruritanian witch left the stage to riotous applause. The frown deepened as the British entry, a young man who’d had a modest hit in Scotland, was roundly booed for a perfectly lovely song about the Scilly Isles. “No points? What?”

“Manipulation.” Remus pointed at the Ruritanian, who was now hugging her vocal coach, tears ruining her eye makeup. “Or, if you prefer, cheating, not that we can do a bloody thing about it.”

“Damnation.” Severus paused just before downing most of his pint in one angry gulp. “Remus? Don’t you have cousins over in France?”

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