Snape 100


March 21st, 2019

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: Check Your Weapon at The Door, IV
Prompt: Wand control
Word Count: 100

“Well, you should!” exclaimed the American. She wore an Ilvermorny House t-shirt that proclaimed she was “Horny and Proud!” and a large suitcase that occasionally mewed. “Wand ownership is a basic right, per the MACUSA Constitution. Handing it over to strangers – “

“I’m not the person to ask,” said Severus. “I stay out of politics, at least now. The War against He Who Should Not Be Named changed everything.”

“Well, that’s just pure cowardice. Stand up for your rights!” The American rolled her eyes. “Honestly, it’s worth a little danger to be free!”

Severus shook his head. “Not the same.”

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